100 Uplifting Days

100 uplifting emails, for 100 days in a row, straight into your inbox.

Art + words – from me to you – to make you feel a little bit more hopeful + a little bit less alone.

Your first email will be delivered as soon as you sign up, lickety split!
And, it's super affordable.




"Just wanted to tell you how much your uplifting days mean to me. An island of positivity in a topsy-turvy land. I am very stuck in the dark dose of things, and the more "real" positive stuff (not sappy), the more I open up to the light. Thank you!!"



– Nora

"I've been getting the 100 days emails, and they are really special. I find I save some for days and go back to read them again. Inspirational quotes only go so far; your personal words make us realize that we are all humans and all looking for the same things in this life, and all feeling the same range of emotions. You are a gifted artist, there is no doubt about that, but I have found that I get so much more out of your art when your (also gifted) writing accompanies it. Thanks so much for investing so much of yourself into all of us. I would hug you if I could!"

– Leigh

"I can’t express enough how much each of your daily emails means to me. I am having the worst year of my life and there are days when I can barely manage. The positive words and realness you write resonate so much with me right now. Thank you!!!!"

– Lou

"I am so glad I made the decision to sign up for them as they have helped me tremendously and I'm sure they will continue to do so in the future. It was amazing how the email I received on a particular day often told me exactly what I needed to hear on that day!"

– Melissa

"I have been dealing with a husband in chemo and a granddaughter in ICU for two months. Needless to say your 100 uplifting days have brought me great hope, joy and perspective. Thank you, Jessica! Can we make it 365??!"

– Beth

"I just wanted to thank you for generously sharing all your daily uplifting words. I look forward to the emails, and your messages invariably stir some part of my psyche. They are universal ideas and connect us by throwing light on all the hopes and fears we have in common as humans. Thanks for taking the risk, putting it all out there and making the world a better place to be in." 

– Katia
Are you in for 100 days of uplifting goodness?