A couple weeks ago I debuted my brand new fabric collection called Tallinn with Art Gallery Fabrics at Quilt Market in Houston, Texas. This is my first collection with AGF and to say I’m excited about it is an understatement. This was my first time exhibiting at Quilt Market (I’d been to the show a couple times before, but never with my own display like this), and it was quite the undertaking. 6 talented and amazing sewists helped me make products for my display – quilts, tote bags, dolls, garments – and I spent a lot of time sewing myself, too. I lost myself in the making in a way that I haven’t in a while; it felt so good. I can’t wait to sew more once I get more of my fabric in – I’ve always loved sewing but haven’t ever had a great excuse to spend a lot of time doing it (since I always have so many other things going on), so I’m happy to have the excuse now.

It was also the first time I’d been apart from my sweet babe (who’s 2 now – how did that happen?!), so that made the whole undertaking a bit more stressful and emotional, but everything turned out just fine and we all survived. I even got 3 good nights of sleep while I was away!

Here’s are a few of the pillows I made:

My mom was a doll-maker when I was young, so I obviously enlisted her help. She made 5 adorable dolls for me (thanks, Mom!). Here’s one of my faves:

These adorable vintage suitcases really helped bring the booth to life:

And that quilt, oh my! It was made by Isabelle Selak.

My pal Bonnie Christine and I stayed together and had a blast. This is the first time we’d actually met in person, which is crazy. She’s a kindred spirit soul sister for sure:

It was so great to meet and spend time with everyone at Art Gallery Fabrics, including all these incredibly kind, welcoming, talented designers:

It’s Bonnie, me, Bari J, Maureen Cracknell, and Dana Willard above. Such fun ladies. :)

I even got to match my booth one day! Eleri Kerian made this adorable Bondi top for me:

My Tallinn fabric collection will be shipping to stores in February 2018; I’ll be sure to keep you updated when it’s available and I’ll share a full peek at each fabric in the coming months, as soon as I’m able!